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Monthly Spotlights

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Fire and Hammer // Episode 4 - Britannia Bleed

The culture war erupts onto the streets of England. As native and outlander clash, the State has taken the opportunity to show their hand. How are the Government using the tragedy of Southport to tighten their control? Is technology a tool for freedom? Is freedom even important for the Germanic peoples? In Britannia Bleeds, we will discuss all of this on the Fire and Hammer Podcast. 
Introduction poem is “Ancestors Old” by C.N.J. Cornwell. 



Episode 1  | Episode 2 | Episode 3
Hail the Gods!


Want to see what our Order has recently been up to? Follow our recent activity with these handy links:


Thunor, O Striker! - poem | August2024

Self to Self - Odinic Poem - poem | July 2024

The Newsleaf #6 - Thunder of the Gods - newsletter | June 2024

The Newsleaf #5 - Venerate the Holy - newsletter | May 2024

The Newsleaf #4 - Spears and Silence - newsletter | April 2024

Reining Blood - Death Omens in London? - essay | April 2024

Eostre - page on the Goddess | April 2024

Sigurd's Day - page on ritual | April 2024

Houses of the Holy - Anglo-Saxon Temples - essay | April 2024



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Our Publications

We operate a public Substack platform, with research topics on philosophy, culture and opinions. You can locate all the Order's publications here.


See the below for our most recent articles:

Reining Blood - Death Omens in London?

What do blood-soaked horses mean for our collective destiny?

"It is with sadness that we, as men seeking that sad wisdom, watched the events unfold in London yesterday. Our English race is one that holds animal welfare to a champion standard, so seeing creatures as sacred as horses in pain and terror is difficult. Even more so for the intricate meaning their blood-soaked flight conveys to the Heathen observer...

This is an Order Substack article. You can read this here:

Houses of the Holy - Anglo-Saxon Temples

What defined the ritual landscape of the Temple?

The Anglo-Saxon Temple has remained an enigmatic structure from the height of its use during the time of our ancestors to even now. Especially as we recover the faith of the English from centuries of obfuscation. However, since the publishing of Brian Hope-Taylor’s seminal work on the site at Yeavering. The library of knowledge surrounding the Anglo-Saxon Temple has only grown in size...

This is an Order Substack article. You can read this here:

At Winter's Break - Reckoning Winterfylleth

What is the Winterfylleth and how is it observed?

Many men throughout the generations have given us wisdom. Often it has come from great educators: shamans, priests, scholars or other refined intellectuals of a given time period. Often is the key to that sentence twice over. Often does great wisdom come from the most unlikely, and unrefined, of people; often those of refinement are not wise...

This is an Order Substack article. You can read this here:

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Place of the Gods

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You can read more about our Order and it's mission for the Germanic Pagan community here.